About Dr. BlitzI am Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Department of Anthropology, and Curator Emeritus of Southeastern Archaeology, UA Museums, University of Alabama. I am retired from active teaching and service at the University of Alabama. I continue to write and speak about the archaeology of the indigenous US Southeast and the Maya Lowlands. From 2004-2016, I directed graduate and undergraduate students in excavations at the prehistoric site of Moundville, Alabama. I was a long-time participant in the Actuncan Archaeological Project headed by Dr. Lisa LeCount from 2001-2023. This investigation of an ancient Maya political center in Belize, Central America, was the longest and largest international archaeological project undertaken by the University of Alabama. Excavations continue at Actuncan, now directed by Dr. David Mixter of Binghamton University.
Contact Details
Department of Anthropology University of Alabama Box 870210 Tuscaloosa, AL 35487 Email: [email protected] Phone: (205) 348-5947 Fax: (205) 348-7937 |